Capacity Building
The Capacity Building Strategy represents a prototype including objective, key principles and actions to be taken in order to make the existing national network of ALE providers in Italy, Portugal and Slovakia, more effective in putting into practice the European policies in ALE, for preventing and combating social exclusion, poverty and unemployment. This, specifically by supporting a more impactful cooperation at national and European level on specific themes, according to the priorities and specificities emerged through country level and needs analysis of the ALE system.
Although the Strategy developed is a common one, 3 Action Plans are guiding the implementation of the strategy at country level, by defining the precise steps/ activities to be implemented as part of the piloting.
The transnational dimension however included, is functional to ensuring the 3 Networks’ capacity to increase and improve the dialogue among ALE relevant stakeholders’ in view of strengthening common mind-sets and policy approaches consistent with the European directions.
To learn more, download the available materials:
Capacity Building Strategy booklet
Capacity Building Strategy (full version)
Country reports on the Study Circles to set the Strategy
Report on the piloting actions in Italy, Portugal, Slovakia
Action Plans for piloting the Strategy in Italy
Action Plans for piloting the Strategy in Portugal
Action Plans for piloting the Strategy in Slovakia
Internal impact evaluation report of the Capacity Building actions
Report of Peer Learning Activities
Reports of the external evaluation of the Capacity Building actions