MODATEX - Professional Training Center for the Textile, Garment, Apparel, Clothing and Wool Industry
Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning
Brief description of the main purposes and contents
MODATEX – Center for Professional Training of the Textile, Clothing, Confection and Lanifícios Industry – is created in 2011, through Portaria n.º 135/2011, of April 4th, based on a protocol signed between the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP,I.P.), the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP), the National Association of Clothing and Confection Industries (ANIVEC/APIV) and the National Association of Lanifícios Industries (ANIL).
Reasons why the project / program is considered a “good practice”
Because it arises from the need to rationalize and enrich the formative response regarding the textile sector, facing the increasingly demanding needs of the business world in accelerated transformation, and the valorization of human resources.
Managing authority / organisation
Signatories of the protocol: The National Association of Manufacturers of Lanifí¬cios (ANIL); National Association of Clothing and Confection Industries – ANIVEC/APIV; Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP); and the Institute of Employment and Professional Training (IEFP,I.P.).
Main target group
All adults (general public)
Source of funding
Stakeholders involved
The actions promoted by the Center are aimed at: the entrepreneurs, managers, executives and workers of the associated companies of the second signatories; the candidates to professions that fall under the scope of the Center’s attributions, namely those who are unemployed, with a view to directing them to training courses that will allow them a rapid entry into the labor market; the managers and workers of the signatories; other partners identified as strategic in the scope of the Center’s mission and attributions.
Contribution of the practice in improving / promoting the social inclusion of the beneficiaries
Because it is inserted in a region where the textile industry is one of the predominant and in this sense intends to qualify human resources and enhance the agents of textile and clothing contributing to the development of economic activities and competitiveness of the sector.
Elements of the project / program that could be easily transferred to other contexts
The involvement of several agents and stakeholders in the actions developed by the entity.
Other potential target groups to which the project / program could be extended
The same target audience for other business sectors..
Description of the methods of implementation and any recommendations
The MODATEX – Vocational Training Centre for the Textile, Clothing, Confection and Lanifícios Industry – was created in 2011, through Portaria n.º 135/2011, of 4th April, based on a protocol signed between the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP,I.P.), the Textile and Clothing Association of Portugal (ATP), the National Association of the Clothing and Confection Industries (ANIVEC/APIV) and the National Association of Lanifícios Industries (ANIL). This Center of national scope – Headquarters in Porto, Delegations in Lisbon and Covilhã, Poles in Vila das Aves and Barcelos – aims to contribute to better strategic and operational coordination of training in the sector, respond more effectively to the needs of qualification, improvement and retraining of people and organizations, as well as to support technically and closely to all players in the Textile and Clothing Industry. The MODATEX activity includes: Vocational training; Services to companies in the sector (tailor-made training; technical interventions); Processes of recognition, validation and certification of skills; and, Participation in national and international projects. The Center develops training in the areas of fashion design, textile design, IT applied to design, fashion management and marketing, fashion merchandising, textile arts, industrial modeling and making, modeling and making for atelier, tailoring, knitting, weaving, spinning, textile ennoblement, quality in the textile and clothing industry, production planning and management, maintenance, hygiene and safety at work, management and trade, communication and organizational behavior, working methods and time, international trade in textiles and clothing and pedagogical training for trainers. MODATEX follows a socially responsible conduct and its Quality Policy is based on the fulfilment of the requirements of the Quality Management System, aiming at continuous improvement and the satisfaction of all Stakeholders. Its mission is to qualify the Human Resources and to valorize the Textile and Clothing Agents, contributing to the development of the economic activities and the competitiveness of the Sector. The organic structure of the Centre includes: the Governing Bodies – constituted by representatives of the signatories of the Protocol that created the Centre; the Management; and the Units and Sectors that support the management and training of the Centre – constituted by a team of qualified collaborators to support its clients. The Quality Policy of the Center for Vocational Training in the Textile Industry, Clothing, Clothing and Lanifícios – MODATEX, is based on meeting the requirements and improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System at the individual and organizational level, with a view to the permanent satisfaction of trainees, trainers, employees and external customers, particularly companies in the sector. The guidelines of the Modatex Management are to create new forms of relationship with external clients and suppliers; to develop new training offers, making available a high level quality of service, in a perspective of anticipation of needs and of corresponding to the expectations of the clients; to increase the degree of satisfaction of the MODATEX clients enhance and motivate the human potential of the organization through training processes, enhancement of skills and continuous socio-professional development and motivation for Customer Service; promote teamwork; promote the culture of the organization, which should be guided by rules of ethical conduct, respect for human integrity and serve the client well; and affirm the image of credibility/quality of the Center, through effective use of the Quality Management System. The principles mentioned above will be the responsibility of all MODATEX collaborators. Modatex has its Quality Management System certified by the standard NP EN ISO 9001:2015, by APCER, with the concern to continuously improve the quality of its services and in order to meet the needs and expectations of the Clients.
Project / program website or other online reference resources