Integrated Network for Qualification of the North Coast (RIQNL)
In the context of the Integrated Network for Qualification of the North Coast, the Qualifica Centers operate in an integrated and coordinated way, and pursue as an essential objective a sustained territorial development, for which the qualification of citizens effectively and decisively influences. It is in this sense that the RIQNL arises, due to the need to adopt and implement an organizational model and a networking practice, with the purpose of, reciprocally and complementarily, enhancing the articulation and inter-cooperation between the QC promoters of the RIQNL and new QCs that may join it, for the fulfilment of their authorized attributions.
Reasons why the project / program is considered a “good practice”
This is an example of good practice, because it brings together, in a network, several entities in the adult education area to work together and cooperate for thued sustained development of this area.
Managing authority / organisation
The Integrated Qualification Network of the North Coast is composed by the following centers: Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas Muralhas do Minho; Centro Qualifica do FOR-MAR, Centro de Formação Profissional das Pescas e do Mar; Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas de Monserrate; Centro Qualifica da Escola Profissional de Vila do Conde; Centro Qualifica do KERIGMA – Instituto de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Social; Centro Qualifica da Escola Artística e Profissional Árvore; Centro Qualifica da Escola Profissional do Infante (D. Sancho Ensino); Centro Qualifica da Escola Secundária de Rocha Peixoto; Centro Qualifica Litoral Cávado (Escola Secundária Henrique Medina, Escola Profissional de Esposende e Associação Comercial e Industrial do Concelho de Esposende); Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas do Castelo da Maia; Centro Qualifica da COOPETAPE Cooperativa de Ensino – CRL; Centro Qualifica da ADEIMA – Associação para o Desenvolvimento Integrado de Matosinhos; Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas António Sérgio; Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas de Fontes Pereira de Melo; Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas de Tomaz Pelayo; Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas da Trofa; Centro Qualifica da Escola Secundária João Gonçalves Zarco; Centro Qualifica da Escola Profissional e Tecnológica Profensino; Centro Qualifica da Rui Pena & Associados, Gabinete de Consultoria, Estudos e Formação, Lda; Centro Qualifica do CEFPI – Centro de Educação e Formação Profissional Integrada; Centro Qualifica da Duodifusão – Centro de Formação Profissional, Lda; Centro Qualifica do Agrupamento de Escolas dos Carvalhos; e, Centro Qualifica do Modatex, Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Têxtil, Vestuário, Confecção e Lanifícios.
Main target group
Adults disadvantaged due to lack of education and skills
Source of funding
Stakeholders involved
All Qualifica Centers involved, citizens with low qualifications and employers.
Contribution of the practice in improving / promoting the social inclusion of the beneficiaries
In the scope of the Integrated Qualification Network of the Norte Litoral, the CQEP operate in an integrated and coordinated way and pursue as their essential goal a sustained territorial development, for which the qualification of the citizens effectively and decisively influences.
Elements of the project / program that could be easily transferred to other contexts
Creating a network of adult training providers.
Other potential target groups to which the project / program could be extended
Different entities participating in the education and training and employment system.
Participation data
Cooperation Protocol of the QUALIFICA CENTERS (CQ) of the Integrated Qualification Network of the North Coast (RIQNL), was formalized, on April 16, 2015.
Description of the methods of implementation and any recommendations
According to the Protocol signed on April 16th, 2015: “Within the Integrated Network for Qualification of the Norte Litoral, the QCs operate in an integrated and coordinated way, and pursue as essential objective a sustained territorial development, for which influences, effectively and decisively, the qualification of citizens; The adoption and implementation of an organizational model and a networking practice is necessary, with the purpose of reciprocally and complementarily enhancing the articulation and inter-cooperation between the QCC promoters of RIQNL and new QCCs that may join it, for the fulfillment of their authorized attributions; The investment in guidance, information and qualification of young people and adults and the certification of skills acquired throughout life contribute privileged and urgent options to strengthen the response capacity of the region to the challenges of development; It is essential to develop qualification strategies that promote the identification of the needs of the productive fabric and the referral of young people and adults to the areas of training most in need from the regional and/or sectoral point of view; Urge to contribute to reducing the deficit of qualification and certification of the population of the territory and promote their employability, particularly, of the active population and provide the acquisition and development of skills, reconciling individual needs with the requirements and organizational objectives through appropriate and flexible responses; It is necessary to enhance the individual’s integral development and to promote the improvement and excellence of adult lifelong learning in a continuous and systemic way; The essential role of the QC and the RIQNL network consists, in particular, in the challenge of qualification and integrated and inclusive development, materialized in the educational and training practices, facilitators and inducers of the involvement of the user in the [trans]formation of his/her life project and to promote self-training and competence enrichment”. This network constitutes a territorial core of the action in favor of Qualification and Employability, promoting, for such, a monthly frequency of meetings, in the various territories of each partner QC, and its agenda is previously proposed by the organizing QC and endorsed by the participating QCs. Whenever appropriate, the QC hosting and organizing the meeting has the autonomy to invite other entities or relevant individuals, at the territory level, to play a supportive and collaborative role in specific RIQNL actions.
Project / program website or other online reference resources