Integrational social enterprise

Teaching / learning of basic and transversal skills

Brief description of the main purposes and contents

The goal of the Aptet Integrational Social Enterprise is that vulnerable groups of people (seniors, seniors, mothers, graduates, the disabled or the Roma) enter the labour market. Those who fail to find a job in the open labour market will continue to work for the Aptet ISP.

Reasons why the project / program is considered a “good practice”

It helps the employees of the social enterprise to acquire new skills and knowledge, it supports them in improving their qualifications. The organization can also provide employment to people who fail to find a job on the open labour market – which we consider to be a significant benefit.

Managing authority / organisation

Aptet, n.o., Mlynská 2238, 934 01 Levice, Slovakia

Main target group

Adults disadvantaged due to lack of education and skills
Adults with disabilities
Minority groups (ethnic, linguistic, religious)
Older adults (65+)
Youth (aged 15-24)

Source of funding

Public resources (national, regional, …)
Private contribution
Non-profit organization

Stakeholders involved

Local employment, social affairs and family offices; employers, NGOs and other key players in the field of social innovation.

Contribution of the practice in improving / promoting the social inclusion of the beneficiaries

Aptet ISP is a registered social enterprise of work integration. The mission of a social enterprise is to create jobs and employ disadvantaged people in the labour market. These are mainly people with disabilities, people over the age of 50, graduates, mothers caring for children, people with low education. It helps the employees of the social enterprise to acquire new skills and knowledge, it supports in increasing their qualifications.

Elements of the project / program that could be easily transferred to other contexts

A proven example of labour integration of disadvantaged people in the labour market.

Other potential target groups to which the project / program could be extended

The integration company seeks to cover and employ disadvantaged people in the labour market for a variety of reasons, including people with multiple disadvantages.

Description of the methods of implementation and any recommendations

Aptet ISP is a registered social enterprise of work integration. The mission of a social enterprise is to create jobs and employ disadvantaged people in the labour market. These are mainly people with disabilities, people over the age of 50, graduates, mothers caring for children, people with low education. It helps the employees of the social enterprise to acquire new skills and knowledge, it supports in increasing their qualifications.
Aptet states the following principles of successful integration:
Step by step to accompany the disadvantaged and vulnerable on their way out of a difficult life situation.
Apply scientific methods proven in practice
Help to create effective multigenerational teams using age management principles
Secure promising employment and further career growth.
An open future through lifelong learning – education and further personal growth are part of working time.
Employees themselves (disadvantaged, vulnerable and interested people) can also become co-owners of a social enterprise.
Do not leave your client/graduates when they work for another employer (or even in retirement).
Volunteering is not a trendy fad – but part of our values.

Project / program website or other online reference resources